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tamigo è l'ideale per molte tipologie di clienti.

Scopri perché hanno scelto tamigo per i loro affari.

Various plates of Asian food such as Sushi, Nigiri and sticks, with the logo of the tamigo customer Sticks n Sushi visible in the foreground.
Dal 2006 tamigo aiuta Sticks'n'Sushi a migliorare le operazioni quotidiane.

"Con tamigo è incredibilmente facile gestire il programma dei turni, per chi si occupa della pianificazione. Tra l'altro viene costantemente aggiornato con nuove e intuitive funzionalità, quindi diventa sempre più facile da usare", afferma Tommy Hvid, Direttore operativo.

Tommy Hvid definisce "geniale" l'app di tamigo. L'app offre consente ai planner e ai dipendenti di accedere a funzioni e informazioni fondamentali, in qualsiasi momento e ovunque si trovino. I planner possono segnalare ai dipendenti i turni per i quali dare la disponibilità tramite l'app, mentre i dipendenti possono scambiarsi i turni e registrare ingressi e uscite anche mentre sono in viaggio.

"Per il nostro personale è un vantaggio enorme poter accedere a tamigo via Web e sull'app per visualizzare le immagini e le descrizioni delle nostre campagne e offerte speciali interne", sottolinea Tommy Hvid.

Come direttore operativo, Tommy Hvid è sicuro che la panoramica sugli elementi finanziari offerta da tamigo abbia conseguenze dirette sugli incassi di Sticks'n'Sushi. Caricando il budget in tamigo, il management e i singoli planner possono vedere con precisione se i programmi dei turni sono adeguati al contesto economico.

"È utilissimo poter vedere i costi legati ai programmi dei turni, mentre li prepariamo. Inoltre, tamigo visualizza con precisione i costi del lavoro in relazione al fatturato di tutti i ristoranti. Offre la flessibilità e la trasparenza ideali per ogni catena di ristoranti."


Four lingerie models posing, showcasing the logo of the tamigo customer Triumph in the foreground.
Ogni retail manager sa quanto può essere difficile avere una panoramica completa della situazione aziendale tramite un foglio di calcolo di Excel: turnover, produttività, costi del personale e così via. Quindi Triumph Benelux ha deciso subito di implementare tamigo, per favorire l'ottimizzazione dell'attività riunendo i dati in UN UNICO luogo.

Con pochi clic, tamigo fornisce a Triumph Benelux informazioni dettagliate su diversi KPI, come quelli relativi al budget, alla produttività, alle percentuali destinate ai salari, ai ricavi e al costo del lavoro. In questo modo si semplificano le analisi comparative dei risultati dei negozi Triumph, grazie ai dati coerenti e aggiornati visualizzati in tamigo.

Come responsabile delle retribuzioni, con tamigo risparmio molto tempo. Posso facilmente esportare tutti gli elementi necessari per l'elaborazione delle retribuzioni mensili da tamigo al nostro sistema contabile.
A Danish design chair standing next to two orange circles, featuring Bolia's customer logo in the foreground.
Non è raro che le catene della grande distribuzione finiscano per implementare in ciascuna delle loro sedi diverse soluzioni di gestione del personale, tutte di fornitori diversi.

Bolia, che è attiva in molti paesi europei, ha svolto approfondite ricerche di mercato prima di scegliere la propria soluzione per la gestione del personale: "Abbiamo scelto tamigo perché il sistema era già presente in alcuni paesi ed era facile da usare", spiega Anette Sørensen, Manager delle Risorse Umane Internazionali.

tamigo offre una preziosa panoramica dei costi del lavoro e consente di gestire correttamente le retribuzioni in tutti i negozi. Anette Sørensen, Manager delle Risorse Umane Internazionali

Con molti dipendenti part-time, ci sono spesso delle modifiche al programma dei turni, ma secondo Anette Sørensen, tamigo le rende davvero facili da gestire con pochissime risorse amministrative.

"Indipendentemente dal paese e dalla cultura, la nostra impressione iniziale è stata confermata: tamigo è davvero uno strumento di pianificazione intuitivo, utile a tutti i nostri dipendenti."
Four packages of liquorice by Lakrids by Bülow displayed together, featuring the logo of the premium liquorice brand and tamigo customer in the foreground.
tamigo offre al management e ai dipendenti una panoramica sui programmi dei turni e sulle retribuzioni che non sarebbe possibile ottenere in altri modi.

L'esclusivo marchio di liquirizia Lakrids by Johan Bülow è passato alla soluzione di gestione del personale di tamigo già nel 2012. I programmi dei turni scritti a mano sono stati rapidamente sostituiti da quelli aggiornati e automatizzati e Lakrids ha scelto di registrare gli ingressi e le uscite tramite il marcatempo di tamigo : Touch.

"Quando si hanno solo dipendenti giovani, è un enorme vantaggio comunicare i programmi dei turni e i cambi di turno tramite un messaggio sull'intuitiva app di tamigo. Prima di tamigo dovevamo inviare delle e-mail ai dipendenti, ma quasi nessuno rispondeva." Anita Møllebro, Retail Design Manager

tamigo non solo ha ridotto al minimo le lunghe attività manuali, in Lakrids, ma ha anche migliorato notevolmente la comunicazione tra i dipendenti.

Prima di tamigo dovevamo inviare delle e-mail ai dipendenti, ma quasi nessuno rispondeva
The modern outdoor lobby of a hotel, filled with various light rattan furniture, showcasing the logo of the tamigo customer Danhostel in the foreground.
tamigo crea una panoramica per essere sempre aggiornati. Ecco perché tamigo è uno strumento preziosissimo.

Dal 2014 tamigo ottimizza la gestione del personale presso Danhostel, a Helsingør (Danimarca). Prima di passare a tamigo i dipendenti di Danhostel registravano le ore lavorate su moduli cartacei.

Il vicedirettore, Nicolai Stubtoft, ricorda: "Era un vero disastro: i dipendenti registravano le ore su moduli cartacei che poi dovevo controllare uno a uno... purché si ricordassero di consegnarli."

Come in qualsiasi altro hotel o ostello, in Danhostel abbiamo fluttuazioni stagionali. Nei mesi estivi il numero di giovani lavoratori aumenta notevolmente. In alta stagione abbiamo molti colleghi nuovi, ma a Nicolai Stubtoft non serve mai molto tempo per formare i nuovi dipendenti sull'utilizzo di tamigo. Dopo una breve introduzione i dipendenti possono iniziare a scambiarsi facilmente i turni tra loro senza dover coinvolgere il management.

In fin dei conti, devo semplicemente approvare ciò che i dipendenti hanno già concordato tra loro: è semplicemente fantastico.

Learn why they chose tamigo for their business.

aldi customer case

We estimate that our store managers save between 15-30 minutes on admin every single day with tamigo. That’s huge!

As they invested in modernising their stores, ALDI Denmark also put their workforce management under the microscope. Improving employee retention and operational efficiency were the top priorities in their nearly 200 stores nationwide. Since tamigo was implemented in 2021, Project Manager Thomas Sørensen says there’s been big improvements.

Instead of having to phone up HR, employees can check their worked hours in the tamigo app. The numbers are right there, and they can trust them. Functions like these are definitely helping our efforts around retention.

Store managers now spend a fraction of the time they used on daily admin tasks — like finding cover for a sick employee.

You can read the full ALDI Denmark and tamigo story here.

Today, when someone calls headquarters, we can look into the same system together. The paper is gone and everything runs digitally. That makes for more transparency, security and trust.

Fashion jewellery giant Bijou Brigitte decided to overhaul the internal processes of its approximately 400 German stores. Because with every new store that opens, the administrative workload for employees also increases. Bijou has used tamigo in all its German stores since 2019. According to Philipp Schockenhoff, team leader in the HR department, the results are impressive.

Our store managers save an incredible amount of time each month with tamigo when preparing the monthly financial statements.

Phillip says that everyone in the company has gained numerous benefits from tamigo. And that’s exactly why Bijou Brigitte has decided to roll out the solution to other European countries. 

You can read the full Bijou Brigitte and tamigo case here.


tamigo provides an invaluable overview of labour costs and a correct payroll process for all stores.

Before they implemented tamigo, Scandinavian design firm Bolia faced a challenge. Some of their stores were regularly using more hours than were budgeted. With tamigo, International HR Manager, Anette Sørensen, says there was a dramatic improvement.

By adding budgets, and by comparing it to the expected productivity and the planned hours vs. the budget in tamigo, we got the right insights for us to benchmark and help stores plan within budgets.

And when it comes to the process of scheduling itself, tamigo is also a boon. Anette says that making changes to rotas (and with so many part-time employees, this needs to happen a lot) is easy to manage with minimum administrative resources.

Read the full Bolia case.


Everything related to personnel administration was done via Excels files. So it wasn't very flexible and not uniform across shops or countries.

Salomon, the French outdoor sports brand from the Alps, deployed tamigo across 11 countries in Europe to improve operations and payroll. Michaël Amsellen, Global Senior Retail Operations Manager, says the feedback was immediately positive.

Firstly, tamigo is easy to use and intuitive. Secondly, the tool fits in with other tools we have deployed in parallel, i.e., a SaaS solution capable of being used from any device.

According to Michaël, tamigo grants a uniform and global view over planned hours and productivity. And most importantly, brings Salomon's teams together in one shared system.

You can read the full Salomon and tamigo case here.

tamigo is incredibly helpful for controls, budget checks and any payroll activities.

For Hotel des Nordens, summer peak season always brought challenges around scheduling. To make planning more demand-orientated, they adopted tamigo in 2010. According to Ronny Wilke, Administration Manager, it’s helped planners make more effective decisions.
At the end of the week, they can see the current flex level of the employees and have control over all wage limits – without having to do the calculations themselves.

This transparency has had similarly positive effects for the HR team and regular employees. 

Read the full Hotel des Nordens case here.

tamigo has given both management and the employees an overview of rotas and wages, which we could not have gotten any other way.

Exclusive liquorice brand Lakrids by Johan Bülow switched to tamigo's Workforce Management solution in 2012. Handwritten rotas were replaced by updated and automated schedules, and Lakrids chose to register hours via tamigo’s time clock, Touch.

When you only have young people employed, it's a huge plus that communication about the rota and shift exchange takes place via text message on tamigo's user-friendly app.

tamigo has not only minimised time-consuming and manual tasks at Lakrids but has also vastly improved employee communication, says Anita Møllebro, Retail Design Manager.

Before tamigo, we sent emails to the staff, but they almost never reacted to them.


tamigo creates an overview, so you are always up to date. That's why tamigo is an invaluable tool.

Since 2014, tamigo Danhostel in Helsingør, Denmark, has been optimising staff management using tamigo. Previously, employees were registering their hours on pieces of paper.

It was a complete mess before, as employees registered their working hours on a piece of paper, which I then had to go through one by one… if they remembered to hand them in at all.

Whenever peak summer months arrive, Danhostel has to increase hiring. But despite all the new faces, it doesn’t take souchef Nicolai Stubtoft long to train them in how to use tamigo. After a brief intro, staff start exchanging shifts with one another without management having to be involved.

In the end, all I have to do is approve what the staff have already agreed upon amongst themselves, and that is just brilliant.


The rota is incredibly easy to manage for the inpidual planner. And because the rota is constantly updated with new and user-friendly features, it actually keeps getting easier and easier to use.

Restaurant chain Sticks’n’Sushi became tamigo’s first ever customer, back in 2006. And Operations Manager Tommy Hvid says that tamigo's financial overview has a direct influence on the chain’s revenue, as both management and planners can see whether planned hours align with budgets.

It's incredibly important that we’re able to see what shift schedules costs while we’re making them. In addition, tamigo accurately displays labour costs against revenues across all the restaurants. This flexibility and transparency is, for every restaurant, ‘spot on’.

Tommy also calls the tamigo app "genius". It gives both planners and employees access to key functions and information at anytime, anywhere. For example, when it comes to internal communication:

It's a huge plus that our staff can access our tamigo front page in the web solution and on the app to see pictures and descriptions of our internal campaigns and specials.


Being responsible for the payroll, I save a lot of time with tamigo. I can easily export all necessary components for the monthly salary from tamigo to our payroll system.

Every manager knows how hard it is to get an overview of KPIs in Excel. In searching for a solution, lingerie brand Triumph's Benelux operations looked to another European country for inspiration. Triumph’s HR Operations Specialist Lia Vos explains:

Our Triumph colleagues in Denmark were already working with tamigo to full satisfaction. It was therefore a logical step for Triumph Benelux to implement tamigo as well.

Lia Vos says that with just a few clicks, tamigo gives Triumph Benelux insights into budgets, productivity, wage percentage, revenue and labour costs. This makes it easy to benchmark the performance of all their Triumph stores.


Shopkeepers don't have time to read lengthy manuals. One of the key advantages of tamigo is that new shopkeepers only need a few hours of training.

The easily accessible online rota and the overview of wage percentages were just some of the reasons why the supermarket chain REMA 1000 chose tamigo over other workforce management solutions in 2008. HR Manager Svend Halse Petersen explains:

Other discount chains have other financial and shift schedule systems that require lengthy courses and continuous updates before the system creates value. We chose a different course of action and we have succeeded.

tamigo hasn't just had a positive effect on independent REMA 1000 shopkeepers. At the main office in Horsens, Denmark, tamigo helps minimize time-consuming admin tasks and gives HQ a fuller overview of company-wide performance.