How Danhostel simplify the registration of worked hours
Danhostel needed to change how they tracked employees’ hours, because pen and paper methods were creating a mess.

What they gained
with tamigo
New visibility over
staffing gaps
Easy-to-use schedules and
time clock
Located in a villa looking out over the ocean, Danhostel Helsingør is any backpacker’s dream. It’s the perfect base for exploring northern Denmark and beyond, with the ferry to Sweden only a short walk away.
For their staffing needs, the hostel used to rely on pen and paper, which was far from a dream for souchef Nicolai Stubtoft.
“It was a complete mess before, as employees registered their working hours on a piece of paper, which I then had to go through one by one… if they remembered to hand them in at all."
Nicolai Stubtoft
Souchef, Danhostel
A digital upgrade
Danhostel Helsingør has been using tamigo since 2014 — taking their scheduling and time and attendance into the cloud.
Once concern about software that any hotel business has is around usability. Whenever peak months arrive, Danhostel has to increase hiring. And they need to be sure that the hostel’s tech is easy for new arrivals to pick up.
According to Nicolai, it doesn’t take any time at all. After a brief intro, staff start exchanging shifts with each other and clocking in and out of work without management having to lift a finger. And from Nicolai’s point of view, he gets a far better picture of who’s working when and where.
"tamigo creates an overview, so you are always up to date,” say Nicolai. “That's why tamigo is an invaluable tool.”
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over its operational KPIs
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